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Writings about Merlin

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Merlin and The Gleam The Sorceror

Merlin and The Gleam

O YOUNG Mariner, You from the haven
Under the sea-cliff, You that are watching
The gray Magician, With eyes of wonder
I am Merlin,
I am dying,
I am Merlin
Who follow The Gleam.

Mighty the Wizard Who found me at sunrise
Sleeping, and woke me And learn'd me Magic!
Great the Master, And sweet the Magic,
When over the valley, In early summers,
Over the mountain, On human faces,
And all around me, Moving to melody,
Floated The Gleam.

Once at the croak of a Raven who crost it,
A barbarous people,
Blind to the magic, And deaf to the melody,
Snarl'd at and cursed me. A demon vext me,
The light retreated, The landskip darken'd,
The melody deaden'd, The Master whisper'd
Follow The Gleam.

Then to the melody, Over a wilderness
Gliding, and glancing at Elf of the woodland,
Gnome of the cavern, Griffin and Giant,
And dancing of Fairies In desolate hollows,
And wraiths of the mountain, And rolling of dragons
By warble of water,
Or cataract music Of falling torrents,
Flitted The Gleam.

Down from the mountain And over the level,
And streaming and shining on Silent river,
Silvery willow,
Pasture and plowland, Horses and oxen,
Innocent maidens, Garrulous children,
Homestead and harvest, Reaper and gleaner,
And rough-ruddy faces Of lowly labour,
Slided The Gleam.--

Then, with a melody Stronger and statelier,
Led me at length To the city
and palace Of Arthur the king;
Touch'd at the golden Cross of the churches,
Flash'd on the Tournament,
Flicker'd and bicker'd From helmet to helmet,
And last on the forehead Of Arthur the blameless
Rested The Gleam.

Clouds and darkness Closed upon Camelot;
Arthur had vanish'd I knew not whither,
The king who loved me, And cannot die;
For out of the darkness Silent and slowly
The Gleam, that had waned to a wintry glimmer
On icy fallow And faded forest,
Drew to the valley Named of the shadow,
And slowly brightening Out of the glimmer,
And slowly moving again
to a melody Yearningly tender,
Fell on the shadow, No longer a shadow,
But clothed with The Gleam.

And broader and brighter The Gleam flying onward,
Wed to the melody, Sang thro' the world;
And slower and fainter, Old and weary,
But eager to follow,
I saw, whenever In passing
it glanced upon Hamlet or city,
That under the Crosses The dead man's garden,
The mortal hillock, Would break into blossom;
And so to the land's Last limit I came--
And can no longer, But die rejoicing,
For thro' the Magic Of Him the Mighty,
Who taught me in childhood, There on the border
Of boundless Ocean, And all but in Heaven
Hovers The Gleam

Not of the sunlight, Not of the moonlight, Not of the starlight!
O young Mariner, Down to the haven,
Call your companions, Launch your vessel,
And crowd your canvas, And, ere it vanishes
Over the margin, After it, follow it,
Follow The Gleam.

by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

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Out of the night comes the Sorceror

His eyes are glowing bright

Looking for his victims

To join his army of the night

Look into his eyes

What a magical sight

The mist is starting to clear

His arms are open wide

Come inside and join me

Let your imagination fly

Into his cloak of darkness

His arms are closing in

Close your eyes and imagine

All your dreams come true

Fear starts to grip you

But there's nothing you can do

A light starts to glow

The light it turns to blue

Earth and sky all around

There's a new world waiting for you

Floating in the air

Way up in the sky

The land below is changing

To the vision in your mind's eye

Your head is spinning 'round and 'round

You're racing through the trees

No prisoner of the earth

You're as free as the breeze

You see familiar people and places

Memories you have known

A long forgotten childhood

All those dreams on which you've grown

The knights of the round table

All those Sherwood Forest men

Creatures wild and magnificent

You re-live your dreams again

Dreams of ancient castles

As you're gliding through the air

You see a small child being carried

By a man with long white hair

The child is the young King Arthur

In the care of a wise old man

The wizard's going to save our country

It's the start of his magical plan

When the King has claimed his throne

The magician's work was done

But he stayed till he was older

Watching over everyone

But when the Wizard's time had gone

The wise old man didn't die

He sleeps with many other mystics

They're waiting for you and I

On the cold dark winter nights

When you're walking all alone

The cold winter breezes

They chill you to the bone

Don't turn around too quickly

You might not like what you see

A tall dark magical figure

The Sorceror

It is he

The End

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